Política de Privacidade

This Privacy Policy document has the purpose of guiding the holder, and decir, the visitor of our website, about the data that will be received when he accepts our Privacy Policy.

The acceptance of this Policy will take place when you access our products and you agree, in an affirmative way, with the use of your Personal Data for each of the purposes that we will describe below. If you do not agree with this Policy, we recommend that you communicate it to us through our contact channels, so that we delete your data from our bank.

Data Protection Law - LGPD

Created in 2018, and in force since August 2020, the General Data Protection Law (LGPD) aims to protect each and every one of the data made available by a holder to any company. Ya sean en línea o fuera de línea. The Law was created to protect the holder of his information and also to prevent him from receiving content for him who did not authorize the use of his data.

Based on the LGPD, Metalúrgica Scain aims to protect all the information provided on our communication channels. Therefore, your data are not transmitted or sold. And if you don't want to receive any notification from our company, we will automatically delete your data from our bank.

he LGPD provides for compliance with the information that is described below:

Consent: On a legal basis, it demonstrates that the holder is unequivocally in agreement with the processing of his personal data in order to receive information about our company, as well as blog updates, email marketing, promotions, links.

Legitimate interest: The legal basis of the legitimate interest is one of the most flexible, thus allowing the use of the information without the need for the consent of the holder. However, we will assess whether we need your data for the appropriate purpose.

Execution of Public Policies:

At this point, only public bodies can use it, and the law does not contemplate authorization for private companies.

Execution of Contracts: In this case, the data can be used on two occasions:

- First: To validate a contract.

- Second: So that some action, provided for in the contract, is fulfilled by both parties.

Estudios e Investigaciones: This database has the objective of guaranteeing the anonymization of personal data through encryption tools or other mechanisms.

Credit protection:

The legal basis of credit protection has the objective of avoiding transaction risks, allowing companies and businesses to consult the holder's profile as a payer.

Life protection:

In this case, the data can only be disclosed in situations where the life of the holder is at risk, such as in car accidents, where your data can be consulted to inform friends and family about your status.

Health protection:

This case can only be used in cases involving health professionals. Entities such as pharmacies and health plan takers are excluded from this list.

Judicial process: In cases of litigation, the holder of the data may receive some type of treatment.

Legal Obligation:

At this point, the data may receive some type of treatment when there are other laws that prevent the same. Examples are companies that need data to comply with any other action of the law.

Use of personal data

By accepting our Privacy Policy, you agree that we may use your Data provided for the following purposes:

Marketing and Campaigns:

In addition to data systems, we use email and notification tools to maintain a relationship between you and Scain metalúrgica.

Analysis of results: In addition to the data provided through companies such as Google Analytics and RD Station, we use your data to find out where it came from (if it was through another link), what type of tool you used (cell phone, tablet, computer, etc).

Your data will be stored in our databases until the specific purpose is fulfilled. And also to comply with the legal requirements provided for by the LGPD. However, you can request the deletion of your information at any time.

Use of Cookies:

Our website also uses cookies, that is, small files to collect your data so that on your next visit to our platform we can find you and offer you a better experience.

Cookies can be in the following ways: S

ession Cookies: They are temporary cookies, which can help you with a certain action on a website to complete information. A good example is when you are buying in a virtual store, the cart saves all the information. First party cookies: These cookies can be used as a long-term memory of the website. Te asisten en una nueva visita en el llado de formarios. It can also help to authenticate a user, without requiring a new login on another visit.

HTTP only cookies: These are cookies that help to protect the site so that it is not invaded and attacked by hackers. A secure cookie cannot be accessed using command sequence languages.

Learn how to delete cookies from your browser: